Pioneer blu ray player mac sideways
Pioneer blu ray player mac sideways

treat it as you would purchasing a car, do you walk in & pay the sticker or do you negotiate? for the quality/price of components your looking at the dealer should be willing to do a demo.

pioneer blu ray player mac sideways

hifi honey is also right about dealers, any dealer who not discussing at least 25% or more off of msrp is trying to take you for a ride. What from a quick glance at the posts no one has mentioned is to ask for an in home demo of one or more of the components your looking at. Trust me on this,the deal you were offered was a sucker deal & not a good deal at all,knocking 30% off a discontinued model is not a real deal,if your going to be going with hi end gear, unless you want to spend needlessly you need to learn to look past MSRP & treat your dealings with hi end dealers as a business transaction instead of a luxury purchase. Type #3,these dealers deal in volume sales & do not treat every sale as the next big whale,they will start off discounting 30% off MSRP & depending on the dollar value of the sale will discount even deeper,many will offfer discontinued models or display models at dealer cost just to move them out of their inventory,discontinued models will sell at around 50% off MSRP & alot of times the dealer will eat the tax. Type #2,these type dealers will offer 10% discounts off of MSRP & 15% to 20% off MSRP of discontinued items & act as if they are giving you the deal of a life time. Type #1,sterotypical anal dealer who quotes MSRP as if it was gospel,refuses to budge an inch on price & claims he's not making much profit even at MSRP,these type dealers either cater to the ultra rich or sell very few units. The reason I started this thread was to get a concensus on the performance of the McIntosh vs others components around the same level.Ĭlick to expand.Hi,im aware of the MSRP of the MHT units & the prices listed on the Mcintosh web site,a tip for you for dealing with Mcintosh dealers. Unfortunately it is harder to compare amps than it is speakers or cd players. If I can buy a stack at a lesser price and achieve a better sounding system I will. The old rule I remember was to jump at least 2 levels up to make a difference. I not sure the Emotiva system is better than the Outlaw stack I currently own.

Pioneer blu ray player mac sideways upgrade#

The idea to upgrade was bring my components to another level and not sideways. I'm not talking about a $20k stack with $2k speakers, but I don't think a 7 channel $5k stack or integrated is unual. I think a good pre/amp will bring the best out of a good quality speaker.

pioneer blu ray player mac sideways

The JM Labs 726v speakers I recently purchased do cost under $2k, but come with the same components as their more expensive line. I do believe that all the components should be at the same level of quality and sound. I do not agree that the speakers make up 2/3 the price of the system.

Pioneer blu ray player mac sideways