It is kept together by a large golden butterfly pin on her chest. Rinwell wears a sleeveless blue coat with a hood with gold outlines. She wears a white and blue striped shirt, with the blue stripes reaching to the bottom part of her short black and blue shorts. Rinwell has jaw-length black hair and brown eyes. Alphen, Shionne and Zephyr agree to help her, although Rinwell is more than appalled a Renan would help her. She was brought to Ulzebek to recover, and revealed she was sent to Calaglia to enlist help for Cyslodia. Right after Alphen and Shionne defeated Balseph, Lord of Calaglia, Rinwell stumbled upon Calaglia and collapsed. She swore never to use astral artes again, and became a scout within Cyslodian resistance. She also blamed herself for her parents deaths. For some reason Almeidrea spared Rinwell. Rinwell witnessed the whole thing and developed a burning hatred towards Almeidrea and Renans as a whole.
On the most tragic day of her life, an astral arte she casted in secret from her parents, served as a beacon to the Renan Lord Almeidrea Kaineris, and she found Rinwell's parents and killed them without mercy. Rinwell was born to her unknown parents and they kept a low profile all their lives, yet still teaching Rinwell about astral artes. Renans hunted them down to the brink of extinction. Before the Renan invasion, Dahnan Mages were already viewed with loathing, but Renans took that to extreme. Rinwell is perhaps the last of the Dahnan Mages.